Thrift & Flip Challenge
Celebrating One Year of Giving Furniture New Life!
Join us for an exciting event as we celebrate the first anniversary of ReFurnishings, our furniture thrift store!
The Thrift & Flip Challenge is your chance to showcase creativity, upcycling skills, and community spirit—all while supporting a great cause.
Here's How It Works:

Selection Day
Participants will gather at ReFurnishings to choose a furniture piece to flip. We’ll donate the item, and you provide your own supplies. Local media and the RCSCBA will be there to capture the excitement with video and live coverage!

Auction & Voting
A week before the in-person event, our silent auction opens online, allowing the public to bid on the pieces and vote for their favorites in various categories.

Why Participate?
Not only will you get to show off your creativity, but 100% of auction proceeds will support Justice For Orphans (JFO)—helping vulnerable children and families in need.
We’re also inviting local businesses to sponsor the event and provide prizes for participants.
Are you up for the challenge?
Sign up today and be part of something truly special!